Monday, June 25, 2007

My boy

OK, I figure I have to get one picture of my son in here. This is only a blog for food, and since he's my one and only and I'm an only child, my experience with toddlers and young kids is pretty limited. Nevertheless, it never ceases to amaze me what he will eat, or at least try, and sometimes try again after not liking something the first time.



One of his favorite foods is sushi. Loves ikura, the salmon roe, which to this day I can't stand. And he would eat all the raw fish he could if we let him. (BTW, that's apple juice, not Sapporo...)

Imagine having a 5 year old who will eat his veggies and fruit, and be happy to go out for sushi, Indian, or Thai, as much as he would for chicken nuggets and fries.


Love you!

- daddy

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